Hello! This post will be dedicated to the Internet and how it improved learning the language.
Nowadays we can't even imagine our everyday life without Internet recourses. What is more, we can't imagine our learning without the Internet.
Becuse technologies have deeply integrated into educational process. Internet saves time. We are provided with almost unlimited access to loads of information which we may use during our studies. Internet is a platform for lots of online educational web-sites. It connects users all over the world and makes studying flexible and accessable at any time and in any place. The benefits the Internet gives us can't be overestimated.
Web1.0, Web2.0, Web3.0 - What is it?
All of us from time to time face these notions. These actually are the stages in the Internet evolution. And analysing the evolution we can understand how the Internet integrated into the educational process.
When the Internet emerged, it was like an e-book. One could only read information on web-sites, no comments, no interaction. Well, it was useful anyway. A person could save his/her time looking for some information, no need to go to the library and borrow books. It definitely started to change the world.
A new stage in the Internet evolution. And here is where it started to occupy the globe. With the emergence of interaction and connection between people it brought up mechanisms which improved learning efficiency.
Blogging, tagging, wikis, podcasts, videos, audios, Internet-libraries and dictionaries, messaging and video-messaging gave people endless opportunities. All of these recourses can be and are constsntly used for learning.
The state is the Intentet we are entering now. A semantic web, which evolves into the intelligent environment. We live in this environment, it meets our wishes more often and easily.
Smart-houses, driverless cars, augmented reality, 4G internet, cloud computing, hyperconnectivity - it all characterizes modern life.
One of the most promissing and amusing technology for learning are Secong life services.
It is like a game, where user is a different person and can do anything.
This technology is great, because sometimes we just have no opportunity to do what we want. And Second life services allow you to do everything: speak, wright, read, learn, attend virtual conferences, visit virtual towns, male friends while learning.
Learning a language this way is efficient, because a person dives into the atmosphere, enjoys and is highly motivated to studies. A boring routine becomes a fascinating game and it is cool.